Selenium 2.0 backend for running IDE test suite via the Se2 Firefox

The GSoC 2010, it’s a great adventure. I’m Raynatou, I come from Burkina and do my internship at SERLI.

The GSoC 2010, it’s a great adventure.

I’m Raynatou, I come from Burkina and do my internship at SERLI. Like all interns in this company the topic of my internship focuses on advanced topics like the integration of WebDriver as backend for Selenium IDE. Selenium IDE is currently built upon Selenium Core for interacting with web pages. Selenium Core has several major limitations, including the inability to fire native events. To avoid these limitations and produce more robust tests, I am investigating Selenium IDE to using WebDriver in place of Selenium Core.

I’m mentored by Eric Allen from SauceLabs, my lead mentor, and by Jérémy Hérault from SERLI, his second but not least ;).

Eric has already done most of this integration earlier this year. The goal of his work is mostly to show what’s possible with Selenium IDE and the Selenium 2.0 Firefox driver. It is based on an asynchronous communication between the Firefox WebDriver extension and Selenium IDE, Se-IDE waiting for that WebDriver says to him that the current command has been passed with success (or not) to call the next command of the current test case (use of callback function). The goal of my mission is to finalize this integration. However, Eric being a crazy man, and he has done it quickly and together we though to another way to do this merge.

Our new thinking is based on a synchronous communication between both of them. To do it, I get the FirefoxDriver instance and play with it like a normal object, by calling its methods. But the behaviour of FirefoxDriver isn’t as simple as I was thinking. JavaScript being a powerfull language (yes, it can make you shiver), I’ve had just to replace some objects (like Response object) and to use a Proxy (and a bit of IoC-like code) to simplify my life and the code to do. You can see my work on GitHub and follow it.

Currently, I think that more than 95% of the Selenium API commands are usable with WebDriver as backend in Selenium IDE. The process was basically to go through the seleniumemulation package and port all of the Java classes into JavaScript methods on the WebDriver class.

Now, I’m working on Unit tests to cover any of the 2.0 work I’ve done. I managed to get all of the Selenium Core tests to run through IDE. I’ve some refactorings to do to optimize the code and add more comments for a bigger comprehension of my work. I have almost finished.

I hope you enjoy what I’m doing and we hope (me and my mentors) that this work can be included in the wave of Selenium 2.

Last modified August 7, 2021: Renaming directory (e9895f27c2)