Selenium Conf: Speakers

I may be biased, but I think Selenium Conf ’12 is going to be great.

I may be biased, but I think Selenium Conf ’12 is going to be great. There are talks aimed at every level of Selenium user. We’ve got experience reports, so you can learn from the trials and tribulations of others. There are talks about using Selenium in unusual ways, such as performance testing, or automated security testing, so you can see new ideas and approaches.

There are technical talks, such as the one Jim Evans is giving on lessons learned from developing the IE driver, so you can learn a little bit more about how Selenium works and Luke Daley’s talk about Geb is bound to be fun.

If you’re a fan of Selenium IDE, then the talk on the SauceBuilder will be a “must see”. We’ll also have the current owners of Selenium IDE attending the conference, so you’ll get a chance to pick their brains on the future of the tool.

If you’re someone who enjoys living in the future, then the mobile focused talks, such as Andreas Tolf Tolfson’s talking about OperaDriver on mobile devices, or Dante Briones talking about testing mobile apps on iOS will be interesting. And Jason Huggins will be talking about robots. What’s not to love?

Better still, we’ve left space in the schedule in Track B for an unconference. If you put forward a talk this year that wasn’t accepted, or if you’ve got something you feel the Selenium community should hear, now’s your chance! If you’ve only got a little to say, or just want to make a single point, then you’re really going to enjoy the lightning talks!

All of this is available for the cost of the ticket, which you can still buy. Don’t wait! Come to #SeConf!

Last modified August 7, 2021: Renaming directory (e9895f27c2)